Hope for Sarah

Sarah Ferguson Sachleben

So, as most of you know I’ve been sick since last year in August. I was hospitalized twice last year and had two surgeries. Something still wasn’t right after that and my appetite was gone, still had severe pain and other symptoms. In April of this year I had to go back to the ER and they found my colon was inflamed, so I had antibiotics and was sent home.

The symptoms just continued to get worse, so after my first GI appointment. I still had no answers, so I went back to the ER on May 8th. I was admitted for possible sepsis and they saw what looked like another abscess on my other ovary. So, another surgery!!!!

Well, they found the root of my GI problems once they were finally able to remove my uterus. When I went in September of last year they removed my ovaries and both tubes, but due to the peritonitis and the staphylococcus infection they were unable to take my uterus at that time. This time when they went to remove my uterus they found a very large hole in my colon through my rectum and my uterus had created a plug closing the hole or I would have been much sicker or dead.

However, when they started to cut everything out they found cancer cells. So, they did cut it all out, but I still have to undergo treatment. 

I had my first appointment at Brown Cancer Center on Tuesday May 28th and it was positive news. They got the results back from the MMR testing and I have a specific gene within the cancer cells, which is more positive for the treatment and outcome. I will have Immunotherapy every three weeks for two years and my doctor is positive that this will kill the cancer cells since it wasn’t found in any other organs. Out of the 31 lymph nodes they removed only four were positive for cancer. However, they are still awaiting some results from where they are still testing the tumor they removed. One of the results they are waiting for is where they are testing for Lynch Syndrome. If that’s positive it means I can develop cancer in other organs. This also means that our son Lane has to be tested when he turns 18.

My first appointment for treatment was the 10th of June. It was infused through my port and lasted about an hour and 45 minutes.

I have received a lot of texts, calls, messages and visits from friends and family. You never know how many fantastic, awesome, understanding, caring and supporting friends and family you have until something hits you like a ton of bricks and you’re not sure which way to turn. My husband has also been the rock that I have had to lean on through all of this. He has not left my side with every hospital stay and ER visit. I could not ask for a better man to be in my life and I just hate that he has to help me with everything, but he never complains.

My husband deserves a lot more than what he gets, but he keeps smiling and trying to keep me in positive spirits! I am getting much stronger now since I can actually eat. I have lost more than 70 pounds since September 2023. So, here’s hoping to gain some of that back because I am not built to be this thin.

Sorry for such a long post, but I figured this was the best way to let everyone know because when I try to tell people in person I become way too emotional and I don’t want to do that. Love to you all and let’s stay positive and get rid of this!!!

If you can help with Sarah’s medical expenses, you can donate to her PayPal account, @ssachleben (or scan the QR code at right).

If you prefer to donate through Stripe, you can do so by clicking here. Please specify that your donation is for Sarah!

You can also send a check, made out to SARAH SACHLEBEN, to:

Sarah Sachleben
189 Farmall Lane
Milton, KY 40045

Thank you, and God bless you!