The Dark God in the Abyss
Let’s start with a bit of explanation about where this is going. It’s my belief that the entity known to us as the Roman god Saturn or his Greek equivalent Kronos has gone by many names over the centuries. We can trace his origins much farther in history, however, thanContinue Reading
The Great Mutation
Astrologers call the Great Conjunction of 2020 a “Great Mutation,” signaling a shift to a world that’s less materialistic and more decentralized–a transformation into the World Economic Forum’s new socialist order.Continue Reading
Yahweh vs. Allah
Islam is a powerful weapon forged by an infernal council to strike at the heart of God’s creation—His people, and His holy mountain, Zion.Continue Reading
Sons of Sheth, Sons of the Titans
Isaiah 14 is a record not just of the fall and judgment of Shemihazah; it prophesies the ultimate slaughter of the demonic Rephaim/Nephilim, “lest they rise and possess the earth.”Continue Reading
Return of the Rephaim
Ezekiel prophesied the return of the Nephilim at Armageddon. The spirits of the Rephaim are the Travelers, the demon warriors of Baal (Satan) who make up the army of Gog (Antichrist) at the final battle of the age.Continue Reading
Fall of the Rebel Watchers
Prophecies of the destruction of the rebellious sons of God, the Watchers of the Book of 1 Enoch, have been hiding in plain sight for more than two thousand years.Continue Reading