JOB’S UNDERSTANDING of the afterlife was a reflection of the culture around him, which was dominated by the Amorites who controlled the ancient Near East from about 2000 BC to 1400 BC. They believed that the dead depended on the living to feed them to sustain them after death.
But even with that, Job knew that his Redeemer lived, “and at the last he will stand upon the earth”—and that Job would see that day with his own eyes, a clear prophecy of the resurrection of the dead described by Paul in 1 Corinthians 15:35-55.
We discuss the ancient Near Eastern view of life after death, the significance of sacred mountains and tells, dolmens, and the Rephaim in the context of Job’s complaint.
Here’s the link to the free online and audiobook editions of The Star that Astonished the World by E. L. Martin, an analysis of the astronomical and prophetic evidence that points to September 11, 3 BC as the actual birth date of Jesus.
JOIN US IN ISRAEL! Our next tour of Israel is October 19–30, 2025 with an optional three-day extension to Jordan. For more information and to reserve your place, log on to
Note: Due to schedule conflicts, Doug Van Dorn, Dr. Judd Burton, and Timothy Alberino will join our tour in the spring of 2026.
Click here for the complete archive of our New Testament Bible studies to date, click here for the Old Testament studies to date, and click here for our studies of the Book of 1 Enoch to date. Or go to for all of the audio.
In Job 19:14-20 perhaps his family feared the same type of disasters would follow them if they connected themselves to him; also when Job was wealthy he had influence; now he had no more wealth to spread around, so perhaps he had only fair weather friends. Christ experienced the same loneliness and isolation when His disciples fled; when Paul came to the end of his ministry he wrote “all that they which are in Asia have turned away from me.”
Job 19: 25… Zechariah saw this event in the vision, when the Lord would return to earth and step on the Mount of Olives, causing a massive earthquake. (See Zechariah 14:1-4)
Merry Christmas to you both. And…love the troupe of cat-led canines running through your yard. See you guys in March at the conference!!
In your past studies I didn’t see where you went over shell 82. Could you let me know what number series that was I got to hear y’all didn’t put on that. I love listening to your studies thank you very much. I just so dearly wish the Derrick didn’t say uhm so much. Thank you so much for your diligence in your hard work. You bring such richness to the scriptures. Many blessings
Really enjoyed this week’s lesson! Can’t wait till January to start again. You & Sharon have really given me such a better understanding not only with this study but also with Unraveling Revelation. May God richly bless you both & Sam during this blessed time.