MOSES’ LAST message was a warning—not just to the Israelites, but to the lesser elohim who’d rebelled against the authority of God.
We discuss Moses’ warning to the people against disobeying the commandments of God, the commissioning of Joshua, and the Song of Moses, which lays out the consequences of following other gods.
Deuteronomy 32 makes it clear that these small-G “gods” are real and that not all of them are faithful. We explain why Deuteronomy 32:8 should read “sons of God” and not “sons of Israel,” and share some background of the “demons” (Hebrew shedim) in Deut. 32:17.
Interestingly, Deut. 32:24 suggests that two entities known as deities in ancient Canaan may have been agents of God’s judgment for disobedience—Qeteb (“pestilence”) and Resheph (“plague”), who was later known to the Greeks and Romans as Apollo.
For more on the “sons of God” in Deut. 32:8, see Dr. Mike Heiser’s article “‘Sons of God’ or ‘Sons of Israel’ in Deuteronomy 32:8?“
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I am thoroughly loving this study. I am in South Africa and was so excited to catch up the new study a few months ago, but since I am not really much of a commentor I just quietly had a party lols. Thank you so much for doing this. As a singleton, I do not always have someone to speak to about the Bible in the way that you speak about it – to most Christians I know they are ok with surface reading and do not want to delve deeper.
My dad was an Anglican priest and I recall asking him when I was very young whether the old myths (he loved history and bought me books because I was wayyy too busy so he had to occupy me – lols) were in fact history that we forgot and mythologised it and when I found you guys and you introduced me to Dr Heiser I was like ‘here’s my people – found them at last”