Gilbert House Fellowship #339: Judges 9–10

THE SHORT reign of Gideon’s son Abimelech lasted just three years, with a sad end to what was the first attempt to create a ruling dynasty over Israel. And at the heart of the conspiracy was a city sacred to one of the most powerful and popular of the fallen angels.

Abimelech’s fratricide, killing his half-brothers to become king over Israel, reveals that Gideon, despite saying, “The Lord will rule over you,” did in fact rule as a king. (And Abimelech’s name, which means “my father, the king,” is another clue!) We discuss the work of the spirit realm in sowing discord between Abimelech and his co-conspirators from the city of Shechem.

We also discuss the spiritual significance of Shechem, the identity of Baal-Berith (Derek identifies it in his book The Second Coming of Saturn as the Hurrian god Mitra, another identity worn by El, Kronos, Saturn, etc.), and some of the biblical events that took place there. In short, it’s not a coincidence that God directed Moses and Joshua to set up an altar overlooking the city!

If you’re curious about our tour of Turkey this fall, you might want to watch our interview with Doug Hershey, author of Israel Rising and the founder of Ezra Adventures: 

We have merch! Check out our new GHTV and Redwing Saga T-shirts and mugs here.

TRAVEL WITH US TO TURKEY! Join us and our special guests Dr. Judd Burton and Dr. Aaron Judkins as we visit the churches of Revelation, Göbekli Tepe, Abraham’s home town Harran, the “Gates of Hell,” Mount Nemrut, and much more. Dates are October 17–November 3, 2023. More information is available at

JOIN US IN ISRAEL! Our next tour of Israel is October 19–30, 2025 with an optional three-day extension to Jordan. For more information and to reserve your place, log on to

Note: Due to schedule conflicts, Doug Van DornDr. Judd Burton, and Timothy Alberino will join our tour in the spring of 2026.

Derek’s new book The Second Coming of Saturn is available now! You can buy it at the SkyWatchTV store, Amazon, or any major bookstore. 

Click here for the complete archive of our New Testament Bible studies to date, click here for the Old Testament studies to date, and click here for our studies of the Book of 1 Enoch to date. Or go to for all of the audio.

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