The rise of the monarchy in Israel begins with the story of Samuel.
We dive deeply into the prayer of Samuel’s mother, Hannah, and unpack its spiritual and prophetic implications. Hannah’s opening line sets the tone for her prayer:
My heart exults in the LORD;
my horn is exalted in the LORD.
My mouth derides my enemies,
because I rejoice in your salvation.
2 Samuel 2:1 (ESV)
Key to understanding that verse is knowing that “salvation” is the Hebrew word yeshua—Jesus!
We also discuss the references to spiritual warfare embedded in her prayer, Hannah’s humility and faithfulness, which contrasts with the sins of the sons of Eli.
We also discuss the historic significance of Eli. Samaritans, who consider themselves descendants of the tribes of Ephraim and Manasseh and the preservers of the true Law given to Moses, believe Eli illegally took a group of Israelites from Shechem to Shiloh. There, he built a second tabernacle and set himself up as high priest
Now, if that was true it would be in the Bible, which never hides bad behavior of the patriarchs or apostles. It’s what the Samaritans believe, however, and it’s at the root of the schism between Jews and Samaritans that continues to this day.
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TRAVEL WITH US TO TURKEY! Join us and our special guests Dr. Judd Burton and Dr. Aaron Judkins as we visit the churches of Revelation, Göbekli Tepe, Abraham’s home town Harran, the “Gates of Hell,” Mount Nemrut, and much more. Dates are October 17–November 3, 2023. More information is available at
JOIN US IN ISRAEL! Our next tour of Israel is October 19–30, 2025 with an optional three-day extension to Jordan. For more information and to reserve your place, log on to
Note: Due to schedule conflicts, Doug Van Dorn, Dr. Judd Burton, and Timothy Alberino will join our tour in the spring of 2026.
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Apparently Samuel, like Samson, was to be a Nazarite. The difference was that Samson was a Nazarite by God’s instruction and Samuel’s mother made the vow for her son. As a result of her faith toward God, Hannah’s prayer was answered.
The Cepher Bible and the Hebrew Greek Key Word Bible are wonderful resources!