City of the Moon-God
If Abraham’s father, Terah, really meant to go from Ur in Sumer to Canaan, he wouldn’t have ended up in Harran, not even by mistake.Continue Reading
If Abraham’s father, Terah, really meant to go from Ur in Sumer to Canaan, he wouldn’t have ended up in Harran, not even by mistake.Continue Reading
To reach the summit of Mount Hermon in ancient times, one had approach the peak by circling it counterclockwise. Is there a link between rites on Hermon and religious rituals elsewhere?
Merry Christmas, and may God richly bless you and your family!Continue Reading
The apostle Paul told us that our contest in this life is not against human opponents, but against “cosmic powers over this present darkness” and “spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly places.”[1] The prophets and apostles knew this. Their writings reflect this spiritual war, although it’s been downplayed in ourContinue Reading
The iniquity of the Amorites still affects the world today. And the gods behind the Amorites are pushing the world toward Armageddon.
During the lifetimes of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, Amorite kingdoms emerged to dominate the entire Near East, from the Persian Gulf to the Mediterranean. The most famous–and infamous–was Babylon.Continue Reading
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