Sacrifices for the Dead
The people of the ancient Near East never really said goodbye to their ancestors. The dead hung around, and they required the care and attention of their descendants.Continue Reading
The people of the ancient Near East never really said goodbye to their ancestors. The dead hung around, and they required the care and attention of their descendants.Continue Reading
The story in the Book of 1 Enoch would make a compelling supernatural thriller. It has two main villains: Watcher-class angels named Shemihazah and Asael, sometimes rendered Azazel.Continue Reading
The entity known to us as the Roman god Saturn or his Greek equivalent Kronos has gone by many names over the centuries. His origins can be traced back much further in history–millennia before the oldest known Greek writings.Continue Reading
Astrologers call the Great Conjunction of 2020 a “Great Mutation,” signaling a shift to a world that’s less materialistic and more decentralized–a transformation into the World Economic Forum’s new socialist order.Continue Reading
Islam is a powerful weapon forged by an infernal council to strike at the heart of God’s creation—His people, and His holy mountain, Zion.Continue Reading
Isaiah 14 is a record not just of the fall and judgment of Shemihazah; it prophesies the ultimate slaughter of the demonic Rephaim/Nephilim, “lest they rise and possess the earth.”Continue Reading
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