Gilbert House Fellowship #424: 1 Kings 7
SOLOMON SPENT more time building his palace than he did constructing the Temple of Yahweh!Continue Reading
SOLOMON SPENT more time building his palace than he did constructing the Temple of Yahweh!Continue Reading
HUMILITY WHEN an adversary falters is one of the lessons in this week’s study of Proverbs.Continue Reading
WE CONCLUDE a section of the sayings of Solomon and move into a section of Proverbs attributed to wise men in general.Continue Reading
THE SPIRITS of the giants destroyed by the Flood were venerated by the Amorites who dominated the culture around ancient Israel.Continue Reading
THE FIRST VERSE of Proverbs 20 expresses a truth we’ve all seen at least once: Drunkenness leads to bad behavior. But there’s more to it.Continue Reading
THE DANGER OF acting without thinking is a theme that runs through this week’s study in the Book of Proverbs.Continue Reading
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