THE PROPHESIED return of the exiles from Babylon is the focus of our study today. Under the leadership of Zerbbabel, who led the first group back to Jerusalem in 538 B.C., and with the encouragement of the prophets Haggai and Zechariah, the temple was rebuilt in 515 B.C. We discussContinue Reading

PHYSICAL RESURRECTION is an aspect of Bible prophecy that’s not often discussed. Today, we link Daniel 12:2-3 to Isaiah 26:13-19, Ezekiel 39:11, Matthew 27:52-53, and 1 Corinthians 15:51-52 to show how the prophets and apostles understood not only that we will be physically resurrected someday, but that the Rephaim —Continue Reading

WHILE POLITICS hasn’t changed much in the last 2,500 years, we’re thankful that today being “thrown to the lions” is just a figure of speech. In Daniel’s day, it was apparently an effective way to dispose of political enemies. Unless, of course, God had other plans. This week, we discussContinue Reading