Gilbert House Fellowship #174: 2 Kings 22-23; 2 Chr 34-35
JOSIAH IS remembered as one of the best kings of the House of David — indeed, he was the last good king of Israel.Continue Reading
JOSIAH IS remembered as one of the best kings of the House of David — indeed, he was the last good king of Israel.Continue Reading
ISAIAH’S PROPHECY of a new heaven and new Earth is the focus of this week’s Old Testament study. We note sections where Isaiah is cited by later prophets, highlight another example of the divine council worldview (God’s condemnation of a ritual meal for the Canaanite gods Gad and Meni), and discuss the parallels between the last chapters of Isaiah and the last chapters of Revelation.Continue Reading
THE DESTRUCTION of Assyria and the prophetic implications of its destruction are the focus of this week’s study.Continue Reading
GOD ALLOWED Assyria and Babylon to oppress His people because they had turned away from Him. In our study this week, we discuss Isaiah’s prophecy of a day when the world will come to Israel to bring tribute to the Lord.Continue Reading
ALTHOUGH ISAIAH had been told by the Lord that judgment was coming to the house of Israel, it would not be forever. This week’s study includes condemnation for unjust rulers but also a promise of future redemption and restoration on the holy mountain of God.Continue Reading
THERE IS a chapter in the Book of Isaiah that is so clearly about the suffering servant, the Messiah, that have tended to avoid it for centuries.Continue Reading
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