NOW WE get to the prophetic stuff! The Book of Revelation was written by John, either in the mid-60s A.D. or around 95 A.D. Most scholars believe it was the later date, during the reign of Domitian, although some believe it was thirty years earlier, during the reign of Nero.Continue Reading

THE EARLY church had to deal with a number of heretical teachings. The idea that Jesus was not fully God and fully man was one of them. In his gentle style, John counseled believers to love one another, to recognize false teachings, and to test the spirits, because not everything that manifests from the supernatural realm is from God.Continue Reading

THE CONCEPTS of holy ground and cosmic geography are behind most of the stories in today’s Old Testament study. As we saw in the life of Elijah, God often did things to teach a lesson and/or send a message. In this case, it was the clear message that Israel belongs to Him.Continue Reading

SPIRITUAL WARFARE and the sin of the Watchers are the focus of this week’s New Testament study. Peter and Jude were in accord with the letters we read this week, and there is a lot of meat in these four short chapters.Continue Reading

THE DIVINE COUNCIL in action and prophecy is the focus of this week’s Old Testament study. Psalm 82 depicts a courtroom scene in the divine council with Yahweh declaring judgment on the lesser gods who “judge unjustly and show partiality to the wicked.” Incredibly, the psalm prophesies a day when the small-G gods die “like men,” which may have something to do with their bad attitude.Continue Reading