IT IS appropriate that our last New Testament study before the U.S. presidential election includes Romans 13:1-7. It is a command to Christians to “be subject to the governing authorities.” That’s not necessarily a message we want to hear right now.Continue Reading

THE RELATIONSHIP between the Law and grace is central to our New Testament study this week. Paul makes it clear that while the Law instructs us as to the nature of sin, it does not help us overcome sin. That is the work of grace through faith in Jesus Christ.Continue Reading

WE CONTINUE through the Book of Proverbs in this week’s Old Testament study. Included are exhortations to seek and value wisdom, to avoid laziness and women of ill repute, and to train children in the way they should go — a command that is increasingly out of step with our world today, which is embracing the idea that children should be free to choose their own paths even when they run counter to the wishes of their parents.Continue Reading

Our study of 2 Corinthians concludes this week as Paul counters criticism from “super-apostles” who had apparently wormed their way into the church at Corinth and turned them away from the gospel with impressive public speaking skills.Continue Reading

A COMMON thread through the Proverbs is the wisdom of listening to correction or reproof. As hard as it can be to hear that we need to rethink the way we’re doing things, true wisdom comes from listening to guidance.Continue Reading