Gilbert House Fellowship #67: Matthew 12, Mark 3, Luke 6
OUR NEW TESTAMENT study this week clearly illustrates the viewpoints of the gospel writers with parallel accounts of several episodes from the ministry of Jesus.Continue Reading
OUR NEW TESTAMENT study this week clearly illustrates the viewpoints of the gospel writers with parallel accounts of several episodes from the ministry of Jesus.Continue Reading
DAVID IS on the lam as our Old Testament study continues, running for his life from the mad king, Saul, and we discuss five psalms written during this period of David’s life.Continue Reading
JESUS’ MINISTRY of healing and casting out demons is a key part of our New Testament study today. But more important, and the reason for the miracles, is the clear message that Jesus did, in fact, claim to be divine.Continue Reading
THE TRANSITION from Saul to David is the focus of this week’s study, which includes the famous confrontation between David and the giant, Goliath of Gath.Continue Reading
TODAY WE encounter the Devil as Jesus is led into the desert for 40 days and then tempted — or, more accurately, tested. Thankfully, Jesus resisted the snares of physical gratification (bread), public acclaim, and earthly power.Continue Reading
ISRAEL RECEIVES its first king, who turns out to be something less than ideal. Anointed by Samuel at God’s direction, Saul shows his true colors right from the start.Continue Reading
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