Enter the Storm-God
There are numerous examples in the Old Testament where epithets of Baal are applied to Yahweh. The prophets of God were sending a message to their pagan neighbors.Continue Reading
“The” God from Enlil to Saturn
“The” god of the ancient world was, for the most part, a distant, uncaring entity, often linked to the underworld. At his worst, he demanded the sacrifice of humans–including children.Continue Reading
Gilbert House Fellowship #407: Song of Solomon 6–8; Proverbs 1
IT’S APPARENT why the Song of Solomon is not often preached in church.Continue Reading
Rise of “the” God
Among the Amorites who first came into contact with the Akkadians and Sumerians, the two most popular deities were the moon-god and “the” god, Enlil.Continue Reading
Gilbert House Fellowship #406: Song of Solomon 1–5
THE SONG OF SOLOMON has layers of meaning. On the surface, it’s a beautiful depiction of the intimate relationship between a husband and wife. At a deeper level, it’s a picture of the mutual love between Christ and his church.Continue Reading
The Last Night of Babylon
You’ve heard the story of the last night of Babylon, and the writing on the wall by a hand from the unseen realm. But what you haven’t been told was that the destruction of Babylon was also a humiliation of the patron god of its last king, Nabonidus.Continue Reading