Gilbert House Fellowship #385: 2 Samuel 21
THE BELIEF that the Philistines were giants (or had giants among them) with six fingers and toes on their hands and feet comes from 2 Samuel 21. That’s not necessarily what those verses mean.Continue Reading
Gog is Not from Russia
One of the most intriguing mysteries in the Bible is the identity of Gog of Magog. Let us state for the record, with all due respect, that most scholars and students of end-times prophecy are looking in the wrong place.Continue Reading
Rephaim and Resurrection
The Amorite neighbors of the ancient Israelites summoned the spirits of the Rephaim to ritual meals in their honor on El’s mount of assembly, Mount Hermon. The travel required two full days, and they arrived after dawn on the third day.Continue Reading
Gilbert House Fellowship #384: 2 Samuel 19–20
POLITICS IN David’s day was just brutal and bloody as it is today.Continue Reading
Day 2 with Aaron Lipkin on Jim Bakker Show
The rocks are crying out in Israel, and we talked about that with our good friend Aaron Lipkin on The Jim Bakker Show.Continue Reading
Talking archaeology
Sharon and I were honored to join our good friend Aaron Lipkin on The Jim Bakker Show, talking about archaeology in the Holy Land.Continue Reading