Goat-Demons and the Foundation Rock of the Church
The se’irim, literally “hairy ones,” were goat-like beings who the Israelites began to worship during their wanderings in the desert. The section of the Law in in Leviticus 17, requiring all sacrifices be brought to the tent of meeting, was specifically to stop the worship of these goat-demons.Continue Reading
Gilbert House Fellowship #376: 2 Sam. 10; 1 Chr. 19; Psalms 20, 50, 53
DAVID’S KINGDOM faced a strong test from his neighbors to the east and north as a coalition of Ammonites and Arameans tried to take down the new Israelite kingdom. Continue Reading
Jesus vs. the Gods of Mount Hermon
Jesus, of course, was fully aware of the ongoing war for his holy mountain. For him, the war was personal.Continue Reading
Gilbert House Fellowship #375: 2 Samuel 8–9; 1 Chronicles 18
DAVID’S KINGDOM expanded outward in all directions, possibly reaching as far as the Euphrates in northern Syria.Continue Reading
Titans, the Angels Who Sinned, and the Origin of Demons
The Titans of Greek myth were the “angels who did not stay within their own position of authority,” the Watchers of Genesis 6.Continue Reading
Gilbert House Fellowship #374: 1 Chr. 17; Psalms 25, 29, 33, 36, 39
A SUPERNATURAL worldview was perfectly natural to King David. It’s clear from his psalms that he had a better understanding of the unseen realm.Continue Reading