Summoning the Rephaim
Tablets found in the Near East have provided a wealth of knowledge about ancient Hebrew and history at the time of the Exodus. The connections between secular history, the Bible, and the supernatural realm are absolutely fascinating.Continue Reading
Gilbert House Fellowship #373: 2 Samuel 6–7
DAVID WAS not a perfect man by any measure, but if we draw anything from this week’s study it should be his example of humility when he realized that he’d become a little too full of himself.Continue Reading
Origin of the Titans
Amorite royalty apparently believed they descended from the Titans, the old gods who planned their rebellion against God at Mount Hermon in the dim, distant past.Continue Reading
The Iniquity of the Amorites
Whatever the Amorites did to make God angry, it was bad.Continue Reading
He is Risen!
If Christ has not been raised, your faith is futile and you are still in your sins.Continue Reading
God Humiliates Baal at the Red Sea
God didn’t just deliver the Israelites “out of the hand of pharaoh,” He delivered them out of the hand of Baal!Continue Reading