Rebel on the Mountain of Eden
What Adam and Eve saw in the Garden wasn’t a talking snake, but a nachash–a radiant, divine entity–one that very likely had a serpentine appearance.Continue Reading
Rise of the Gods
Derek was a recent guest on Battle Ready Ministries’ Frontline program, discussing the unseen realm with Col. David Giammona, co-author of The Military Guide to Armageddon.Continue Reading
Welcome to the Battlefield
You’re standing on a battlefield. A war rages around you, although you can’t perceive it–not directly.Continue Reading
Gilbert House Fellowship #362: 1 Chronicles 3–5
GENEALOGY WAS important to the Israelites. It was the basis for determining who was eligible to serve in the Temple and who was worthy to sit on the throne.Continue Reading
The Truth About Christmas
From the book The Second Coming of Saturn by Derek P. Gilbert We need to debunk a bit of fake news before we get any deeper into the holiday season. The selection of December 25 as the date to celebrate the birth of Christ had nothing to do with Saturnalia or theContinue Reading
Gilbert House Fellowship #361: Psalms 43–45, 49, 84–85, 87
THE SONS OF KORAH were responsible for baking and gatekeeping in the Temple. They were also singers, and this week’s readings appears to be songs of lament and hymns of praise and joy.Continue Reading