Gilbert House Fellowship #331: Joshua 9–11
THE CONQUEST of Canaan was a war to drive the Anakim out of the hill country of Judah and Israel.Continue Reading
Gilbert House Fellowship #330: Joshua 6–8
THE DESTRUCTION of Jericho was not just a military victory. It was another statement of God’s superiority over the gods of the Amorites, whose land was about to be given to the Israelites.Continue Reading
Gilbert House Fellowship #329: Joshua 2–5
THE CROSSING of the Jordan River by the Israelites was more than preparation for the conquest of Canaan. It represented God breaching the veil between the spirit realm and the land of the living.Continue Reading
Gilbert House Fellowship #328: Psalm 91; Joshua 1
PSALM 91 is often called the Soldiers’ Psalm, but the warfare it describes is spiritual rather than physical.Continue Reading
Gilbert House Fellowship #327: Deuteronomy 33–34
MOSES’ FINAL blessing on Israel was in the form of prophecies over the tribes, along with a reminder that when God led the people from Sinai, He was accompanied by “ten thousands of holy ones.”Continue Reading
Gilbert House Fellowship #326: Deuteronomy 30–32
MOSES’ LAST message for the Israelites was a warning—not just to them, but to the lesser elohim who had rebelled against the authority of God.Continue Reading