Gilbert House Fellowship #224: Nehemiah 1-5
NEARLY ONE hundred years after Cyrus issued his decree allowing the Jews to return to Jerusalem, the walls of the Holy City still had not been rebuilt.Continue Reading
Gilbert House Fellowship #223: Ezra 7-10
THE SECOND group to return from Babylon to Jerusalem was led by Ezra the priest in 458 B.C. It was a four-month journey, which the Jews undertook without an armed guard — something that was unheard of in that day.Continue Reading
Gilbert House Fellowship #222: Deut. 9; Esther 4-10
AN ASTUTE listener pointed out that we skipped chapter 9 of Deuteronomy way back between studies #44 and #45, so we begin this week by correcting that oversight. (Thank you, Marilyn!)Continue Reading
Gilbert House Fellowship #221: Esther 1-3
THE STORY of Esther, a Jewish woman who became queen of Persia, is the origin of the Purim holiday, celebrating the salvation of the Jewish people from Haman, a key advisor to Xerxes, the king.Continue Reading
Gilbert House Fellowship #220: Zechariah 12-14
APOCALYPTIC PROPHECIES of the coming Day of the Lord are the focus of the last three chapters of Zechariah.Continue Reading
Gilbert House Fellowship #219: Zechariah 8-11
GOD PROMISED that the tears and fasting of the Jews who’d returned to Jerusalem would be turned to joyous feasting. Then we turn to prophecies of God’s judgment against the unrepentant nations on the Day of Yahweh.Continue Reading