In an earlier article we described the akiti festival at ancient Ur, a festival that involved ritual circumambulation of the fields. This practice dates to at least 2500 BC. We speculated that it may have originated even earlier than that, based on the spiral wall around the summit of Mount Hermon.Continue Reading

THE BOOK OF 1 ENOCH has become a source of controversy among Christians. Regardless of your view of the book, it’s undeniable that it was known to the apostles and the early church, who generally had a favorable view of it.Continue Reading

It’s not clear why a god who was worshiped in Syria and Iraq should become the most prominent god in Mecca, or why Allah later overtook Hubal as chief of the Meccan pantheon by the time of Muhammad.Continue Reading

One of the most striking things about Islam is that sincere conversion doesn’t matter to Allah. Just making submission (Islam) to Muhammad was your ticket into the club.Continue Reading