Gilbert House Fellowship #195: Ezekiel 23-27
SHOCKING LANGUAGE intended to wake up the people of Judah kicks off our study of Ezekiel this week. Through the prophet, God compared the pagan practices of the nations to lewd behavior, and Ezekiel didn’t soften the language at all.Continue Reading
Gilbert House Fellowship #194: Ezekiel 19-22
GOD’S REASONS for His judgment against the apostate kingdom of Judah is the focus of this week’s study.Continue Reading
Gilbert House Fellowship #193: Ezekiel 15-18
THE HARSHEST criticism of Israel we’ve encountered so far is the focus of this week’s study. God calls the people of Judah a prostitute — except that prostitutes get paid.Continue Reading
Gilbert House Fellowship #192: Ezekiel 12-14
THE FAITHLESS prophets and elders of Israel were singled out by Yahweh for special condemnation in this week’s reading. We discuss those who should have been looking after the spiritual health of God’s chosen people, but who allowed Israel and Judah to fall into forbidden religious practices.Continue Reading
Gilbert House Fellowship #191: Ezekiel 9-11
BACK TO the throne room of God this week as we discuss another visit by Ezekiel into the presence of Yahweh. We discuss the cherubim and ophanim, the supernatural guardians of the throne, and why the cherubim depicted on most models of the Ark of the Covenant are wrong.Continue Reading
Gilbert House Fellowship #190: Ezekiel 5-8
PROPHETIC THEATER is one way to describe the commands Ezekiel received from God.Continue Reading