Gilbert House Fellowship #165: Hosea 8-14
This week, we read Hosea’s prophecy against the northern kingdom of Israel, a final warning that was fulfilled when Assyria destroyed Samaria in 722 B.C.Continue Reading
Gilbert House Fellowship #164: Isaiah 28-34
HISTORY, PROPHECY, and a glimpse of a future war in heaven — what more could we pack into this week’s Bible study?Continue Reading
Gilbert House Fellowship Special: Sin of the Amorites, the Rephaim, and the Old Gods
WHY DID God link the return of Israel from Egypt to “the iniquity of the Amorites”?Continue Reading
Gilbert House Fellowship Special: The Great Inception
THE LONG rebellion by the small-G gods is all about getting control of God’s mount of assembly, the Temple Mount.Continue Reading
Gilbert House Fellowship #163: Hosea 1-7
GOD INSPIRED the prophets Isaiah, Jeremiah, and Ezekiel to use the image of Israel as an unfaithful wife. He called Hosea to take it a step farther, directing the prophet to actually marry an adulterous woman to serve as an image of Israel’s unfaithfulness to God.Continue Reading
Gilbert House Fellowship #162: 2 Kings 18; 2 Chr 29-31; Psalm 48
HEZEKIAH WAS a better king than any since David, and better than all those who followed. He repaired and restored the Temple, reinstituted the worship of Yahweh, and tore down the high places devoted to Baal and Astarte (not just in Judah, but in Israel, too).Continue Reading