Gilbert House Fellowship #161: Isaiah 21-27
ISAIAH PROPHESIED the fall of Babylon before it had risen. At the time of the prophesies we read this week, Assyria was still the dominant power in the ancient Near East, but the phrase, “Fallen, fallen is Babylon,” was revealed to the prophet anyway.Continue Reading
Gilbert House Fellowship #160: Isaiah 15-20
THE FUTURES of Damascus, Moab, Egypt, and a mysterious foreign superpower — possibly the USA — are the meat of our Old Testament study this week.Continue Reading
Gilbert House Fellowship #159: Revelation 19–22
WE REACH the end of the New Testament this week. The Revelation of John concludes with final judgments against Satan, the Beast, Death, Hades, and all whose names are not written in the Book of Life.Continue Reading
Gilbert House Fellowship #158: 2 Chr 28; 2 Kings 16-17; Isaiah 13-14
ALREADY BUT not yet. That’s a phrase we use often when discussing Bible prophecy, and it’s appropriate again this week. We discuss the destruction of the northern kingdom, Israel, by the Assyrians as punishment for abandoning the LORD. Then we look at two chapters of the fascinating Book of Isaiah.Continue Reading
Gilbert House Fellowship #157: Revelation 14–18
FALLEN, FALLEN is Babylon the Great! Who or what is Babylon the Great? After 2,000 years that’s still a mystery.Continue Reading
Gilbert House Fellowship #156: 2 Chr 27; Isaiah 9-12; Micah
GOD’S JUDGMENT on Israel and Judah was not going to be pleasant, but it was not to last forever. This week, we read prophecies of Isaiah and Micah on the coming destruction of the northern kingdom by Assyria and the southern kingdom by Babylon.Continue Reading