Gilbert House Fellowship #77: Luke 9, John 6
TODAY WE discuss the accounts of Jesus walking on water and feeding the five thousand from the perspectives of Luke and John.Continue Reading
Gilbert House Fellowship #76: Psalms 43-45, 49, 84-85, 87; 1 Chr 3-5
PSALMS AND genealogies again this week in our Old Testament study, but even here we find some very interesting nuggets.Continue Reading
Gilbert House Fellowship #75: Matthew 10, 14; Mark 6
THREE OF the most iconic moments of Jesus’ ministry are the focus of this week’s New Testament study.Continue Reading
Gilbert House Fellowship #74: Psalms 6, 8-10, 14, 16, 19, 21; 1 Chr 1-2
THE PSALMS of David take center stage this week. The tone of the psalms changes as well, as David’s circumstances have shifted from running and hiding to ascending to the throne of Israel.Continue Reading
Gilbert House Fellowship #73: Matthew 13, Luke 8, Mark 4-5
This week: Jesus calms the storm, drives out the demons who call themselves Legion, and brings back the daughter of Jairus, the synagogue leader, from the dead.Continue Reading
Gilbert House Fellowship #72: Psalms 121, 123-125, 128-130; 2 Sam 1-4
OUR OLD Testament study this week moves to a new phase of David’s life as he is declared king of Judah.Continue Reading