Fall of the West
“The West” is actually the westernmost remnant of what was a much more extensive civilizational block that Islam permanently severed.Continue Reading
Covenant with Death
If there is only one thing we can learn from the last fourteen hundred years of Muslim history, it’s that Islam has relied on the sword for expansion since the very beginning.Continue Reading
Gilbert House Fellowship #417: Proverbs 18–19
THE DANGER OF acting without thinking is a theme that runs through this week’s study in the Book of Proverbs.Continue Reading
The Identity of Allah Revealed
The god called El, Enlil, Dagan, Kumarbi, or simply “king” (Molech/ Milcom) is Allah, and still tremendously powerful even while chained in the Abyss–maybe even more powerful than Satan.Continue Reading
Gilbert House Fellowship #416: Proverbs 16–17
WE WOULD save ourselves a lot of trouble if we were slower to anger, slower to speak, and a more worried about pleasing God than others.Continue Reading
Lord of the Cube
Petra, a center of religion and trade just one hundred miles from Jerusalem, was a perfect location for the Fallen to launch their new cult.Continue Reading