Gilbert House Fellowship #29: Exodus 37 – Leviticus 3
We resume our Bible study with the concluding chapters of Exodus. We will discuss the making of the Ark of the Covenant, the priestly garments, the table and altars for the Tabernacle, and the erection of the tabernacle of the tent of meeting.Continue Reading
Gilbert House Fellowship #28: Exodus 32-36
The incident of the golden calf, the presence of the Angel of Yahweh on the mountain, and the theology of the Name are part of this week’s study.Continue Reading
Gilbert House Fellowship #27: Exodus 27-31
OUR WEEKLY study continues in the Book of Exodus. Moses is on the holy mountain receiving the Testimony from Yahweh: Instructions on how to build the altar of sacrifice, the altar of incense, and the importance of blood for purification.Continue Reading
Gilbert House Fellowship #26: Exodus 22-26
Our weekly Bible study continues (live this week, we hope) with the 22nd chapter of Exodus. This is where Moses begins to receive the Law from Yahweh and instructions on how to build the Tabernacle and the Ark of the Covenant.Continue Reading
Gilbert House Fellowship #25: Exodus 16-21
THE ISRAELITES escaped the hand of Pharaoh, but now they’re in the desert wilderness and tempers are growing short.Continue Reading
Gilbert House Fellowship #24: Exodus 11-15
WE PICK up the story of Moses as the Lord prepares to visit his final plague upon Egypt, one that requires an act of faith and obedience on the part of the Hebrews. What follows is a classic adventure story: Just as it appears the Hebrews are finally free, PharaohContinue Reading