Gilbert House Fellowship #257: Genesis 14
A WAR fought near the Dead Sea nearly 4,000 years ago is the focus of this week’s study.
A WAR fought near the Dead Sea nearly 4,000 years ago is the focus of this week’s study.
GOD BEGINS a new phase of His plan to redeem humanity in this week’s study, as Abram is called from his homeland to journey south into Canaan.
BEFORE WE pick up the story of Abraham, some context: When God divided the nations after the Tower of Babel incident, He placed them under the supervision of “sons of God,” angelic beings who were charged with carrying out His will while supervising His creation.
THE PROMISE of God to Abraham was fulfilled through Isaac and Jacob. That is made clear in the chapters we studied this week, Genesis 23 through 26. We look at the death of Sarah, the faithfulness of Abraham’s servant, the birth of Esau and Jacob, Esau’s disposition of his birthright, and Isaac’s sojourn in Gerar.Continue Reading
We continue in the book of Genesis with the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah, the departure of Hagar and Ishmael, Abraham’s sojourn in the land of the Philistines, and the test of Abraham on Mount Moriah.Continue Reading
WE PICK up the story of Abram at Genesis chapter 15. We talk about Yahweh’s covenant with Abram, including the land promised to his descendants; Sarai’s impatience with the promise of an heir, and the trouble that created with (and for) Hagar and Ishmael; Yahweh’s promise of Isaac and the new names He gave to Abraham and Sarah; and Abraham’s humble, reverent intercession for Sodom.Continue Reading
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