Gilbert House Fellowship #229: From Gilgal Refaim to Glasgow
WE’RE BACK with a brief summary of highlights from our whirlwind tours of the Holy Land and the UK.
WE’RE BACK with a brief summary of highlights from our whirlwind tours of the Holy Land and the UK.
THE HARSHEST criticism of Israel we’ve encountered so far is the focus of this week’s study. God calls the people of Judah a prostitute — except that prostitutes get paid.Continue Reading
SPEAKING TRUTH can be dangerous. The last days of Judah’s independence before the destruction of the Temple by Nebuchadnezzar are chronicled in this week’s study of the book of Jeremiah.
We discuss the message given to the prophet by God and what happened as a result. It’s a reminder that preaching the actual Word of God is not a path to popularity and prosperity.Continue Reading
YOU’D THINK that prophets of Yahweh during the reign of good king Josiah would have been a little more upbeat. Not so much.Continue Reading
WHY DID God link the return of Israel from Egypt to “the iniquity of the Amorites”?Continue Reading
ISAIAH PROPHESIED the fall of Babylon before it had risen. At the time of the prophesies we read this week, Assyria was still the dominant power in the ancient Near East, but the phrase, “Fallen, fallen is Babylon,” was revealed to the prophet anyway.Continue Reading
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