Ezekiel prophesied the return of the Nephilim at Armageddon. The spirits of the Rephaim are the Travelers, the demon warriors of Baal (Satan) who make up the army of Gog (Antichrist) at the final battle of the age.Continue Reading

It’s not clear why a god who was worshiped in Syria and Iraq should become the most prominent god in Mecca, or why Allah later overtook Hubal as chief of the Meccan pantheon by the time of Muhammad.Continue Reading

The pagan gods of the ancient world did not humbly submit after the Resurrection.They’ve continued in their rebellion. And they’re willing to destroy everything rather than let the Messiah return to establish His throne on Earth.Continue Reading

The history of the ancient world suggests a series of conflicts not just between the fallen angels who rebelled against the Creator and declared themselves gods, but between one another.Continue Reading

There are numerous examples in the Old Testament where epithets of Baal are applied to Yahweh. The prophets of God were sending a message to their pagan neighbors.Continue Reading

There was a shift in the supernatural wind about the time of the Judges in Israel. The moon-god faded into the background as the storm-god became prominent.Continue Reading