While reading the Old Testament, you can be forgiven for wondering what was going on in the minds of the ancient Israelites.Continue Reading

The apostle Paul told us that our contest in this life is not against human opponents, but against “cosmic powers over this present darkness” and “spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly places.”[1] The prophets and apostles knew this. Their writings reflect this spiritual war, although it’s been downplayed in ourContinue Reading

Because you’ve made it this far in this series, you’re too sharp to let us skip to the end without addressing this question: Who, what, or where is the Babylon of Revelation 17 and 18? We’ll address it briefly here because we’ll write more about this in the future. AsContinue Reading

Nimrod gets a bad rap. Many of us were taught that the Tower of Babel was at Babylon, and Nimrod is responsible for the evil associated with that city. That happens not to be the case.Continue Reading