Gilbert House Fellowship #429: 1 Enoch 6–8
THE SINS of the “sons of God” mentioned in Genesis 6:1–4 are listed in detail in chapters 6 through 8 of the Book of 1 Enoch. Continue Reading
THE SINS of the “sons of God” mentioned in Genesis 6:1–4 are listed in detail in chapters 6 through 8 of the Book of 1 Enoch. Continue Reading
THE BOOK OF 1 ENOCH has become a source of controversy among Christians. Regardless of your view of the book, it’s undeniable that it was known to the apostles and the early church, who generally had a favorable view of it.Continue Reading
THE STORY of a global flood is common to many cultures all over the world. Today, we read the real story behind the flood of Noah.
AT SOME point in our distant past, angels descended to the summit of Mount Hermon and made a pact to corrupt the earth through interbreeding and sharing knowledge that humanity was not meant to know.
PRIDE AND a drift away from the Creator is evident in today’s study, which features the generations of patriarchs between Adam and Noah.
JEREMIAH’S PROPHECY of doom against Babylon concludes this week as he declares the kingdom’s destruction at the hands of the Medes.Continue Reading
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