“The West” is actually the westernmost remnant of what was a much more extensive civilizational block that Islam permanently severed.Continue Reading

If there is only one thing we can learn from the last fourteen hundred years of Muslim history, it’s that Islam has relied on the sword for expansion since the very beginning.Continue Reading

The god called El, Enlil, Dagan, Kumarbi, or simply “king” (Molech/ Milcom) is Allah, and still tremendously powerful even while chained in the Abyss–maybe even more powerful than Satan.Continue Reading

The Quran and hadiths describe Mecca as a city in a valley with a “rain water passage” between two mountains, where grass and trees once grew—none of which is supported by archaeology.Continue Reading

One of the biggest mysteries in end times prophecy is the identity of Gog of Magog.Continue Reading