Gilbert House Fellowship #393: 2 Samuel 24; 1 Chronicles 21–22
A PLAGUE that spread through the kingdom of David led to the consecration of a 35-acre piece of ground that is fought over to this day.Continue Reading
A PLAGUE that spread through the kingdom of David led to the consecration of a 35-acre piece of ground that is fought over to this day.Continue Reading
A DAY is coming when Jerusalem becomes “a cup of staggering to all the surrounding peoples.”Continue Reading
POLITICS IN David’s day was just brutal and bloody as it is today.Continue Reading
DAVID ASCENDS to the throne in Jerusalem, and we recount the history of Israel, including some startling examples of warfare in the unseen realm, in the psalms accompanying our study this week.Continue Reading
DAVID’S FRAME OF MIND was apparently much better by the time he wrote these psalms, which are dated to about the time he was anointed king over all Israel.Continue Reading
IT DIDN’T take long for Israel to forget God. Within thirty years of arriving in Canaan, God was compelled to tell the Israelites that because of their disobedience, He would not drive out the people before them.Continue Reading
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