Gilbert House Fellowship #127: Romans 14–16; Acts 20–23
PAUL RETURNS to Jerusalem in this week’s study, in spite of warnings from believers from Asia to Judea that he would be arrested and possibly killed. But Paul already knew that.Continue Reading
PAUL RETURNS to Jerusalem in this week’s study, in spite of warnings from believers from Asia to Judea that he would be arrested and possibly killed. But Paul already knew that.Continue Reading
MATTHEW 24 and 25 are among the most important chapters in the New Testament. Jesus spells out the future days of vengeance on Israel, the days of Tribulation, and the return of the Messiah to reign on Earth.Continue Reading
JESUS IS in Jerusalem and, knowing that his time is short, begins to speak of his return, both directly and in parables.Continue Reading
MARRIAGE AND divorce are sensitive topics, so it’s no wonder the scribes and Pharisees tried to use them to trip up Jesus.Continue Reading
THIS WEEK’S Old Testament study is another lesson in how much depth the scriptures contain when we actually look.Continue Reading
DAVID’S CORONATION as king over all Israel is the focus of this week’s Old Testament study.Continue Reading
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