Gilbert House Fellowship #235: Genesis 6:1-3
AT SOME point in our distant past, angels descended to the summit of Mount Hermon and made a pact to corrupt the earth through interbreeding and sharing knowledge that humanity was not meant to know.
AT SOME point in our distant past, angels descended to the summit of Mount Hermon and made a pact to corrupt the earth through interbreeding and sharing knowledge that humanity was not meant to know.
THE INVASION of Israel led by Gog of Magog is the war to end all wars. This week, we explain why this war ends with the Battle of Armageddon.Continue Reading
THE PROPHETS didn’t have easy lives. Today’s study follows Jeremiah through the last years of the kingdom of Judah, and the message God gave the prophet wasn’t popular.Continue Reading
SPIRITUAL WARFARE and the sin of the Watchers are the focus of this week’s New Testament study. Peter and Jude were in accord with the letters we read this week, and there is a lot of meat in these four short chapters.Continue Reading
More references to the divine council, this week in the context of Yahweh’s establishment of His covenant with David and His holy mountain, Zion.Continue Reading
JESUS TAKES command of the enemy’s holy mountain, demonstrating his authority through the Transfiguration on Mount Hermon, the site of the Watchers’ descent.Continue Reading
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