Gilbert House Fellowship #278: Exodus 14-15
THE RED SEA crossing is an iconic moment in the Bible, the history of Israel, and in movies (thanks to legendary producer/director Cecil B. DeMille). But it’s way cooler than you might know.
THE RED SEA crossing is an iconic moment in the Bible, the history of Israel, and in movies (thanks to legendary producer/director Cecil B. DeMille). But it’s way cooler than you might know.
PSALMS OF thanksgiving and a retrospective of Israelite history are the focus of our Old Testament study this week.Continue Reading
WE PICK up the story of Moses as the Lord prepares to visit his final plague upon Egypt, one that requires an act of faith and obedience on the part of the Hebrews. What follows is a classic adventure story: Just as it appears the Hebrews are finally free, PharaohContinue Reading
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