Sacrifices for the Dead
The people of the ancient Near East never really said goodbye to their ancestors. The dead hung around, and they required the care and attention of their descendants.Continue Reading
The people of the ancient Near East never really said goodbye to their ancestors. The dead hung around, and they required the care and attention of their descendants.Continue Reading
Ezekiel prophesied the return of the Nephilim at Armageddon. The spirits of the Rephaim are the Travelers, the demon warriors of Baal (Satan) who make up the army of Gog (Antichrist) at the final battle of the age.Continue Reading
THE BOOK OF 1 ENOCH has become a source of controversy among Christians. Regardless of your view of the book, it’s undeniable that it was known to the apostles and the early church, who generally had a favorable view of it.Continue Reading
WISDOM IS NOT a female deity who’s been written out of Jewish and Christian theology over the last 3,000 years.Continue Reading
WE RETURN to our regularly scheduled reading this week with proverbs that are paternal calls for wisdom–and a warning against communing with spirits of the dead.Continue Reading
One of the great puzzles of Bible prophecy is the identity of Mystery Babylon, the Great Harlot of Revelation 17.Continue Reading
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