Return of the Titans
The Titans, the Watchers of the Bible, return when Apollyon opens the pit. And for humans without the seal of God on their foreheads, it will literally be Hell on Earth.Continue Reading
The Titans, the Watchers of the Bible, return when Apollyon opens the pit. And for humans without the seal of God on their foreheads, it will literally be Hell on Earth.Continue Reading
Canaanites believed the entrance to the underworld was at Bashan. But both Milcom (Molech) and Chemosh, the national gods of Ammon and Moab, demanded child sacrifice. Venerating the dead and appeasing the gods of the dead through human sacrifice appear to have been the norm in this region east of the Dead Sea.Continue Reading
DAVID WAS not perfect, but he recognized his failures. More importantly, he acknowledged that God was the source of his salvation—his yeshua.Continue Reading
THIS WEEK’S STUDY is a song of deliverance that follows the account of David’s final victory over the Philistine “sons of the Rapha.” Continue Reading
THE BELIEF that the Philistines were giants (or had giants among them) with six fingers and toes on their hands and feet comes from 2 Samuel 21. That’s not necessarily what those verses mean.Continue Reading
The Amorite neighbors of the ancient Israelites summoned the spirits of the Rephaim to ritual meals in their honor on El’s mount of assembly, Mount Hermon. The travel required two full days, and they arrived after dawn on the third day.Continue Reading
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