ANOTHER BOOK of wisdom attributed to Solomon is our Old Testament study this week. The collected sayings of “the Preacher” are generally gloomy, but only in that they remind us of the folly of pursuing material things apart from God.Continue Reading

PROVERBS OF Solomon copied at the direction of King Hezekiah are the focus of our Old Testament study this week. Themes include the wisdom of accepting correction, the foolishness of contending with fools, and the happiness that results from pursuing righteousness instead of wealth.Continue Reading

WE CONTINUE through the Book of Proverbs in this week’s Old Testament study. Included are exhortations to seek and value wisdom, to avoid laziness and women of ill repute, and to train children in the way they should go — a command that is increasingly out of step with our world today, which is embracing the idea that children should be free to choose their own paths even when they run counter to the wishes of their parents.Continue Reading