FAITH AND perseverance are at the heart of today’s New Testament study. We conclude the remarkable Book of Hebrews with a discussion of the Old Testament patriarchs who were accounted righteous because of their faith. Then we move to Paul’s second letter to Timothy, in which he exhorts the young man to keep fighting the good fight.Continue Reading

Possible route of Paul's 4th missionary journey

CHURCH LEADERSHIP and proper behavior for Christians is the focus of Paul’s letters that we study this week. Timothy had been left in charge of the church Ephesus, while Titus had been left on the island of Crete to shepherd the new church there.Continue Reading

WE CONTINUE our study of Paul’s Second Missionary Journey. This week, we discuss the run-in with the citizens of Thessalonica and why they were upset by the gospel. Then we turn to Paul’s letters to the church at Thessalonica and the prophecies he shares of the Lord’s return.Continue Reading