Join us as we dig into the history and the mystery behind Job and Satan’s desire to test him.
We work through the first five chapters of Job: His history, the misfortune he endures at the hands of the Satan, his lament and desire to curse the day of his birth, and the first rebuke from the three friends who come to see him in his time of trouble as Eliphaz the Temanite, after receiving a message in a frightening dream (that reads like a description of sleep paralysis), rebukes Job for not simply accepting God’s judgment for something Job must have done wrong.
Note: In spite of Derek’s mention of posting a timeline showing where Job falls in Bible history, we have opted against doing so because scholars do not agree on when he lived. It is suggested that he lived prior to Moses because no mention is made of the Exodus and the archaic Hebrew used in the book, but he might be placed anywhere from shortly after the time of Noah to a generation or two after Abraham.
Derek and Sharon, I’m really enjoying your Gilbert House Fellowship and I have only recently started listening. My goal is to listen to one a day until I eventually catch up. I am getting so much from your readings. They are so helpful to me as I have given up reading the Bible so many times because I have found it so difficult to understand. You both clarify so much and make the experience enjoyable. Thank you so much for all you do. I follow you on Sky Watch TV via YouTube and I’m amazed at how hard you both work. You are inspirational in the work you do, the message you give and the love that emanates from you both. The love you have for one another, your family and friends and for others is wonderful to witness and be involved with. I no longer feel so alone in my life and I thank you from the bottom of my heart. You work tirelessly and I really don’t know where you find the time to do all that you do, however, there are many like me who sincerely appreciate all that you do. I keep you both, your family and colleagues in my daily prayers and I always will. God bless you and keep you always, in Jesus name Amen.
Thank you! It is a privilege to do what we do.
I agree totally. Thank you Derek and Sharon. I have just started to listen to these archives and I look forward to learn every day.
I think God knew they were already considering Job and was asking IF they had been considering Job. I read that some thought Job as one of the sons of Issachar, who were men of great wisdom and understanding of the times, and that his name means “enemy” and also “persecuted and afflicted”. Also, Uz was believed to include the land of Petra as well as Edom. Wasn’t Job’s hedge the blood covering of the sacrifices, and if so, he could no longer do this because he lost the animals, and this is how Satan could attack Job? When his wife said to curse God and die, the word “barak” is used here for curse, so maybe she meant “bless or bid farewell to God and die.
Hi Derek and Sharon,
You mentioned on TVFB that a guy would speak about Burning Man this same night it was recorded. I cannot find that archieve. Do you know where it is?
Thank you for all you do!
Thank you for asking! That was an interview with Carl Teichrib, who I’ve interviewed a number of times about Burning Man. You can find all of them here: