Gilbert House Fellowship #297: Leviticus 24-25

THE JUBILEE of YHWH is diametrically opposed to the way the world has set up our modern financial system—which shouldn’t be a surprise.

This week, we discuss the Jubilee, a system that God designed specifically to prevent the kind of deb servitude that’s all too common in our modern world.

We also explain the theology of “the Name,” which does not at all refer to God’s reputation.

If you missed it, you can hear Derek’s interview with John B. Wells on Caravan to Midnight from Saturday, February 13, by clicking here.

Our book Giants, Gods & Dragons is available in Kindle and paperback! Get it as part of a great package with more than 27 hours of our video teachings at the SkyWatchTV Store or at

The latest installment of Sharon’s Redwing Saga, King’s Gambit, is available now in paperback and Kindle! Visit Sharon’s author page at for more.

Derek’s novels The God Conspiracy and Iron Dragons are available in paperback and Kindle! See the official trailers and learn more at the website for Rose Avenue Fiction (

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  1. The son who cursed was of a mixed marriage. His Hebrew mother married an Egyptian. Paul reminds us not to be unequally yoked with an unbeliever (see 2 Cor 6:14). Food for thought: perhaps it was this mixed multitude who began complaining in the wilderness.

    The word redeem is mentioned 11 times in ch 25. The Hebrew word is ga’al, and it refers to a near relative who redeems a person back. Thus, God provided the law of redemption, but it was the nearest of kin who performed the act of redemption in the year of Jubilee.

  2. You can hear Derek’s interview with John B. Wells on Caravan to Midnight from Saturday, February 13. Be advised the second hour of the John B. Wells Ark Midnight Episode -241 is the portion featuring Derek’s interview.

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