Gilbert House Fellowship #403: Psalm 119 (Part 2)

WE OFTEN WISH that God would show us the road we’ll travel for the rest of our lives. That’s not the sense of His promise in Psalm 119:105.

The Hebrew word translated “lamp,” ner, is a small clay lamp with a single wick. In other words, it illuminates enough of the path to see that our next step or two is safe, but after that we have to trust that He’s leading us where we need to go.

The overall theme of Psalm 119 is that those who follow God’s directions will ultimately be blessed, even though present circumstances may not be pleasant.

Thank you for making our Build Barn Better project a reality! Our 1,200 square pole barn now has HVAC, along with a new floor, windows, ceiling fans, upgraded electric service, and insulation. We’re moving our studios out of our home and producing programs here now. Just some wall paneling and set dressing left before we’re done! If you are so led, you can help out at

Gilbert House runs on coffee! We’ve partnered with Kevlar Joe’s Coffee ( for Gilbert House blends: Amazing Grace, a mild cookies-and-cream flavored coffee; Snarling Dachshund, a medium-roast Sumatran; and Bunker Buster, a dark-roasted Colombian that’s sure to get you moving. Find them at

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SOLIDARITY MISSION TO ISRAEL! We are returning to Israel November 6–13, 2024 to bear witness to what’s happened there since the war with Hamas began. We plan to visit Hostage Square in Tel Aviv, Sderot, the site of the Nova Music Festival, and the important sites in Jerusalem like the Temple Mount, Mount of Olives, and the historic locations of the Crucifixion and burial tomb of Jesus.

If you are interested, email us: . For the latest information, go to

Join us in Israel! We will lead our next tour through the Holy Land March 25–April 3, 2025, with an optional three-day extension to Jordan featuring visits to Mount Nebo, Wadi Rum, and Petra. Our special guests are Timothy Alberino, Dr. Judd Burton, and Doug Van Dorn!

For more information, log on to

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