Gilbert House Fellowship #407: Song of Solomon 6–8; Proverbs 1

IT’S APPARENT why the Song of Solomon is not often preached in church. 

It is a beautiful and poetic description of the love and desire felt by a husband and wife, but the euphemisms that describe physical intimacy between Solomon can raise awkward questions from children in the congregation! But if you have been blessed with a loving marital relationship, you know.

We also begin the proverbs of Solomon this week. Chapter 1 emphasizes the importance of wisdom, which begins with the fear of (or reverence toward) God. We also explain why the personification of Wisdom in Proverbs 1, and later in Proverbs 8, does not mean that there is a feminine aspect to the godhead, nor does it mean that God has a “wife.”

SOLIDARITY MISSION TO ISRAEL! We are returning to Israel November 6–13, 2024 to bear witness to what’s happened there since the war with Hamas began. We plan to visit Hostage Square in Tel Aviv, Sderot, the site of the Nova Music Festival, and the important sites in Jerusalem like the Temple Mount, Mount of Olives, and the historic locations of the Crucifixion and burial tomb of Jesus.

If you are interested, email us: . For the latest information, go to

Gilbert House runs on coffee! We’ve partnered with Kevlar Joe’s Coffee ( for Gilbert House blends: Amazing Grace, a mild cookies-and-cream flavored coffee; Snarling Dachshund, a medium-roast Sumatran; and Bunker Buster, a dark-roasted Colombian that’s sure to get you moving. Find them at

Thank you for making our Build Barn Better project a reality! Our 1,200 square pole barn now has HVAC, along with a new floor, windows, ceiling fans, upgraded electric service, and insulation. We’re moving our studios out of our home and producing programs here now. Just some wall paneling and set dressing left before we’re done! If you are so led, you can help out at

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  1. SONG OF Solomon is also a love song between Christ Jesus and the church of the living God.

    Thurthebible just completed a wonderful study on the Song of Solomon

    In the Book of Hosea God uses his prophet Hosea as a word picture to Israel to show their unfaithfulness to God.

    I found it interesting that no one has commented on the fact that oct 7th 2023 was the day celebrating the Torah

    The word of God is Jesus the Christ
    The only begotten of the Father full of grace and truth.

    Thank God that all judgment is given unto Jesus
    Befire Father God spoke through his prophets and kings
    But now He speaks through His son

    I love Peter where he stated that we have not followed fables but were eye witnesses to His glory

    I love
    The word became flesh and dwelt among us
    Dwelt is tabernacled and I cannot wait to see Jesus

    Like Jude states
    He is able to present you faultless before the Father

    Obviously I am paraphrasing

    O how I love Jesus because He first loved me

    I would not consider my marriage at all
    But we both love Israel
    Bonded over the book written by
    Dr Jimmy DeYoung
    Called Israel

    Dr Jimmy DeYoung is my spiritual Father
    Because of Him i can read and understand the Bible.

    Chuck and i bonded over the
    Nazi Hunter
    Simon Wisenthal
    Love that guy

    Also Bibi
    Bibi wrote a book in the 1980’s
    Purchased it for 2 dollars
    Chuck read it

    Bibi described everything we r going thru now

    I am happy it is still snowing
    Though your sins are red like crimson they shall be as white as snow

    Gotta love that

    And if Jesus does not take us home
    But Persecution brings purity and committment

    When i was saved delivered sanctifed redeemed
    I was home by myself
    Hugging a tv set

    The word i would use to describe how I felt
    Clean and pure

    Jesus saved me from hell

    Not churches


    we overcome by the blood of the Lamb
    The word of our testimony
    And not loving ourselves unto death

    I like thruthebible
    Because they go where no one else goes
    I can pray for my blood saved redeemed family all over the earth

    I love that most of all


    We are one day closer
    One day stronger

    It was just before passover
    Resurrection sunday
    40 years ago that i was saved from
    the darkness and translated in the light

    The light of Christ!
    Jesus is the light of the world

    Another title

    The Desire of All the Nations

    In Christ


    A book

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