FOR ALL of Solomon’s vaunted wisdom, he failed in the thing that mattered most.
God had told the Israelites not to enter into marriage with foreigners. Not because of racism or any perceived superior bloodline, but because the nations around Israel followed other gods—fallen angels who’d rebelled against the Creator. Solomon disobeyed to the extreme—700 wives and 300 concubines, and they turned the king away from God.
This cost Solomon’s son kingship over all Israel and led to the Mount of Olives being referred to by the priests as the Mount of Corruption (more accurately, “Mount of the Destroyer,” which we’ll explain when we get to King Josiah in about 300 years).
We also discuss the visit to Solomon by the Queen of Sheba, whose gift of 120 talents of gold would be worth about $414 million today.
Sharon’s niece, Sarah Sachleben, was recently diagnosed with stage 4 bowel cancer, and the medical bills are piling up. If you are led to help, please go to
If you are looking for a text of the Book of 1 Enoch to follow our monthly study, you can try these sources:
- Parallel translations by R. H. Charles (1917) and Richard Laurence (1821)
- Modern English translation by George W. E. Nickelsburg and James VanderKam (link to book at Amazon)
- Book of 1 Enoch – Standard English Version by Dr. Jay Winter (link opens free PDF)
- Book of 1 Enoch – R. H. Charles translation (link opens free PDF)
The SkyWatchTV store has a special offer on Dr. Michael Heiser’s two-volume set A Companion to the Book of Enoch. Get both books, the R. H. Charles translation of 1 Enoch, and a DVD interview with Mike and Steven Bancarz for a donation of $35 plus shipping and handling.
Our new book The Gates of Hell is now available in paperback, Kindle, and as an audiobook at Audible!
Derek’s new book Destination: Earth, co-authored with Donna Howell and Allie Anderson, is now available in paperback, Kindle, and as an audiobook at Audible!
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Note: Due to schedule conflicts, Doug Van Dorn, Dr. Judd Burton, and Timothy Alberino will join our tour in the spring of 2026.
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Click here for the complete archive of our New Testament Bible studies to date, click here for the Old Testament studies to date, and click here for our studies of the Book of 1 Enoch to date. Or go to for all of the audio.