We’re about to propose a concept that won’t be popular with Jews or Christians—but that’s precisely why the deception will be effective.Continue Reading

WE WEREN’T quite finished after all! Marilyn Abbott, who spotted our oversight of Deuteronomy 9 about six weeks ago, informed us this week that we’d also skipped over three chapters of the Gospel of John. (Thank you again, Marilyn!)Continue Reading

BACK TO the throne room of God this week as we discuss another visit by Ezekiel into the presence of Yahweh. We discuss the cherubim and ophanim, the supernatural guardians of the throne, and why the cherubim depicted on most models of the Ark of the Covenant are wrong.Continue Reading

WE BEGIN to study Jesus’ ministry, the early days, beginning with his appearance to John the Baptist at the Jordan River and the calling of the first disciples: Andrew, Simon (Peter), James, and John.

We also spend some time discussing the Magi, the virgin birth of Jesus, and the geopolitical climate of Judea at the time of Jesus’ birth.Continue Reading