Gilbert House Fellowship #407: Song of Solomon 6–8; Proverbs 1
IT’S APPARENT why the Song of Solomon is not often preached in church.Continue Reading
IT’S APPARENT why the Song of Solomon is not often preached in church.Continue Reading
PROVERBS OF Solomon copied at the direction of King Hezekiah are the focus of our Old Testament study this week. Themes include the wisdom of accepting correction, the foolishness of contending with fools, and the happiness that results from pursuing righteousness instead of wealth.Continue Reading
A COMMON thread through the Proverbs is the wisdom of listening to correction or reproof. As hard as it can be to hear that we need to rethink the way we’re doing things, true wisdom comes from listening to guidance.Continue Reading
SOLOMON’S WISDOM is legendary, and to the extent it is recorded in the Bible, it is also divinely inspired. This week, we begin our study of the Book of Proverbs.Continue Reading
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