Gilbert House Fellowship #333: Joshua 16–19
THE DIVISION of the land continues in this week’s study as we read through the boundaries of the lands allotted to the seven tribes who had not yet claimed their inheritance.Continue Reading
THE DIVISION of the land continues in this week’s study as we read through the boundaries of the lands allotted to the seven tribes who had not yet claimed their inheritance.Continue Reading
THE PUNISHMENT God ordered for a number of sins, ranging from sexual relations before marriage (for women) to rebelling against one’s parents (for sons), seems harsh by today’s standards.Continue Reading
THE PEOPLE in Canaan engaged in what God called “abominable practices”: First, burning a child as an offering to Molech, followed by divination, reading omens, augury, sorcery, enchantment, consulting mediums, necromancy, and inquiring of the dead.Continue Reading
THE PUNISHMENT for an Israelite who led people to worship other gods was harsh: Death by stoning.Continue Reading
SPEAKING WITH SPIRITS was strictly forbidden by God. This might seem to be a quaint and antiquated notion, but the fact that we encounter the prohibition three times in our reading today indicates that this was a serious issue in ancient Canaan.
MANY OF US have been taught that it isn’t possible to see God with our natural eyes and live. How do we reconcile that with the account of God personally eating a meal with Moses, Aaron, and the seventy elders of Israel?
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